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New Chair for the Food Museum

The museum couldn’t function without the individuals who generously volunteer their time and expertise as trustees. In particular, taking on the role of Chair is a serious commitment of time, expertise and energy. The Chair provides leadership to the board of trustees and by extension to the museum. They support and challenge the executive team and they advocate for the museum and its mission in the community.


The Food Museum is extremely lucky to have an excellent board which has been presided over for the past four years by Dr Sharon Goddard. As well as having extensive experience in education and the heritage sector, Sharon grew up in Stowmarket and has had a long association with the museum. Last week she completed a milestone of 10 years on the Board and handed over the leadership baton to Richard Lister OBE.


Richard was previously Vice-Chancellor at the University of Suffolk. He has a particular interest in relationships with the community and improving aspiration, achievement and social mobility in Suffolk. He previously worked at Brunel, Hull and Essex Universities. In addition to being on the Board of the Food Museum, Richard is also Chair of the Ipswich charity 4YP and Chair of the Ipswich Social Mobility Alliance. He has been involved with the museum since joining our Development Board in 2018.


We are delighted to welcome Richard as our new Chair and thank Sharon for the passion and dedication that she brought to the role. We wish her the very best.

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