Nearly 50 years of experience!
The Museum of East Anglian Life has nearly 50 years of experience, working with partner organisations, local communities and volunteers. This includes providing workplace experience and training for a range of people including those who are unemployed.
The MEAL Project first received customers from Seetec in September 2015 and has run every working day since then, except for the Christmas vacation. It provides work experience for the long term unemployed. They are predominantly on the Community Work Program (six months), some have been on the Mandatory Work Program (four weeks) and some have been on the Work Program (Variable).
To date it has provided work experience for 50 participants. This amounts to 1016 working days.
Seetec is a Recruitment, Training and Employment Company with over 30 years’ experience of providing a range of services to the unemployed. This includes the provision of work placements and project. These services are provided for the Department of Work and Pensions together with other partners.
Collaborative working between the MEAL Project and staff from the Museum of East Anglian Life, has created the opportunity to develop five regular areas of work. These areas have increased the potential to improve outcomes for the participant;
· General site maintenance
· Painting the Chapel
· Conservation
· Cleaning of buildings
· Play area
Also if you are not aware the Museum has a quarterly Volunteer and Trainee Liaison Forum meeting and we will be holding an AGM on the 10th February 2016 at 10am in the Training room. We will be discussing representation and future plans.
If you are a Volunteer or trainee all welcome.
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