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Do you remember the 1970’s

Do you remember the 1970s? The Museum needs your help!

Hippies came to Suffolk in the 70s in search of the Good Life. Did you know them? Maybe you were one of them?

Did you go to the Albion Faires? Maybe you took up macramé? We want to hear your 70s stories.

Escape to the Country, a temporary exhibition, will open in Abbot’s Hall in March 2014 and will look at alternative lifestyles and their legacy in Suffolk.

The purpose of these workshops is to create an object wish list for this exhibition. We need your ideas!

When: Saturday 23rd November 10.30am – 12pm
Wed 27th November 6pm – 7.30pm
Where: Training Room, Museum of East Anglian Life


Please contact Eleanor to let us know you’re coming, so we can make sure there are enough biscuits to go round.

Tel: 01449 612229

Email: eleanor.root@eastanglianlife.org.uk

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