River For All Project – Artist Search
The Museum of East Anglian Life’s River for All project will create a trail to bring public access to previously inaccessible woodland and river. We aim to commission artists to interpret the natural world found on the grounds. This will improve wellbeing, support lifelong learning, and help people to experience and protect nature.
The Museum seeks to have a minimum of eight greenwood sculptures or natural art installations inspired by the wildlife found on the grounds here at the museum. Research shows that having a goal such as finding sculptures along a trail helps to motivate people to exercise. The art installations will be part of our new journey of becoming the Food Museum where we aim to deliver a food-focused visitor experience.
The art installations will relate to food from a wild perspective. Over time, people have had to interact with their natural environment and relied on wildlife for maintaining habitats and sustaining balance within the food chain, as well as providing direct sustenance for people. Wildlife is integral to a healthy environment. By showcasing the fauna found on the riverside, we will better connect people to wildlife and their importance to us and our natural resources. This project will also support local artists in this time of need.
Please contact thomas.peer@eastanglianlife.org.uk to schedule a visit to the site and to select a possible location for your art installation. This can be done prior to submitting your application.
Deadline for Application Submission: September 30, 2021
Art installations must be completed by: 1st March 2022
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